I do like Mike Finch's work, and it is good to see that RRPI are showing it off! I was not sure about the concept in the beginning because it didn’t seem to jive with the purse I saw in my head, but once I saw it completed, I was in love with it. The artist is Mike Finch who is with my publisher Rambunctious Ramblings Publishing Inc. "I love the cover! It is an antique-looking purse with bullet holes through it. Can you tell us about your cover for The Purse - why you chose that concept and who the artist is. The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. It’s all the things I love about fiction!" "There is a lot of me in this book: personality, humor, and things that I wished to happen in real life. It was all of the “what ifs” in life: what if she were alive somewhere and there were deep secrets? What if you found her and there were even more secrets? The possibilities were endless." How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how? I was also inspired by my close friend whose mother had passed when she was only three.

"A silver antique purse was what intrigued me I wondered about its history and where it had been. Through it all, Lydia must find the strength to accept herself - and those closest to her - despite their darkest secrets.A very warm welcome to Julie Burns thank you for joining us on BooksChatter! Lydia's possession of the antique purse throws her already chaotic life into a whirlwind of kidnapping, blackmail, vengeful mob bosses, and mind-numbing revelations. Their instant attraction surprises them both, but even through the chaos Lydia can't deny the intensity of her feelings for the strong willed Lieutenant.

As Sonja works to solve the murder, Lydia takes the greatest risk of her life in leaving Chicago to search for clues to her mother's past. Meade's death, but her career on the force never prepared her for Lydia Blackwell. Lieutenant Sonja MacIntosh is assigned to investigate Mr. But before she has the chance to connect with the man who knew her father intimately, Lydia finds Derek murdered in his home. After the funeral, the stranger Derek Meade gifts her with a gorgeous antique purse. When Lydia Blackwell visits her dying father for the last time, he reveals the deeply hidden truth about her mother. As Sonja works to solve the murder, Lydia takes the greatest.